The climate

The southernmost fjords enjoy a mild and comfortable climate, having long, deep fjords, the sheltering ice cap and a tongue of the Irminger Current (Gulf Stream) flow past. Local effects and concerns are few, though in general the Irminger moves in a NW direction, up the West Coast.

The cold East Greenland Current keeps the East Coast cooler with the Ice Sheet extending all the way to the outer coast and hundreds of glaciers reaching sea level.

The average temperature in the Ammassalik area in July is 5°C compared with 7°C in Qaqortoq, South Greenland. Both towns are located outside the fjords, with cooler temperatures than inside the fjords.

Both areas enjoy days on end of calm, sunny days with strong water and ice reflection - care should be taken by using a wide brimmed hat, good 'glacier' glasses, strong sun screen and lots of liquid intake.

Fog and rough weather can be expected outside the fjords in both regions, especially where high mountains and long fjords suck in midday winds or Low pressure systems. You can also expect fog over ice filled fjords on calm days.

Paddling in fog thru ice filled bays is tricky and can be dangerous

The Cape Farvel region is reknown for its rough weather, especially early June and late August, though you can also expect wind and rain on the relatively shallow Ammassalik shelf (approx. 500-600 m deep).

Waiting it out, this time it took 6 days

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